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Dock and Door Products for Your Warehouse

At Fraza, we understand the importance of keeping your loading docks running smoothly. That’s why we offer a wide range of premium dock and door products designed to meet the needs of your operations. The products we offer through our partners, DLM Docks and Rotary Products Inc., are built to withstand heavy use, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability.

Contact us today to speak with one of our material handling experts about our dock and door products.

Dock Equipment

  • Dock levelers
  • Dock bumpers
  • Truck restraints
  • Safety integrated control panels

Dock Shelters/Seals

  • Fixed shelters
  • Foam dock seals
  • Canopies

As the Overhead Door Company of Metro Detroit™, we also offer Overhead Door™ products for industrial applications.

Dock Levelers

The dock leveler is an important element of your loading bay. Because they see frequent use, it’s important to make sure they’re installed and maintained by a team of experts. Even though standard loading docks are anywhere between 48 and 52 inches, truck heights tend to vary. This can create frustrations in loading and unloading without a properly functioning dock leveler. These operate via a hydraulic lift to correct for the truck’s height. We install all types of dock levelers, including:

  • Hydraulic
  • Mechanical
  • Edge of dock
  • Vertical hydraulic
  • Air-bag

 Air Curtains

While your warehouse doors are open, you lose out on the regulated temperature air inside. You then have to spend more on energy bills to adjust. An air curtain is a great preventative measure for these issues every warehouse faces. It mounts above the dock entrance and blows a wall of constant air stream. This keeps your air conditioning or heating inside while preventing outside pests and temperature changes from impacting your operations.

Interior Trailer Lights

Interiors of large trucks can get dark during the loading process. The safety lights illuminate the dock and truck with extendable arms so your employees can place them wherever they need for optimal lighting. Additionally, they create an OSHA-compliant work environment.

Safety Barriers

Barriers are a simple and effective method to prevent accidents. They are retractable net or metal barriers that go across the opening to the dock. They can prevent forklifts from falling, runaway equipment from being damaged, and products from escaping on accident.

Truck Restraints

Lock in trucks while your team loads and unloads them with truck restraint systems. These can secure a truck up to 35,000 lbs and are easily connected and disconnected for safety and maximum efficiency. We install hydraulic, mechanical, wheel chock, and electric truck restraint systems, depending on your loading dock style and size.